Lesson Fees and Class Information

Regular exposure and opportunity to practice enhances swimming skills and fast tracks progress. For this reason, Laurie recommends that swimmers attend 2 lessons per week for faster skill acquisition.

We also provide holiday intensive programs, clinics & specialised promotions throughout the year for families to take advantage of. These are a fantastic addition to our regular program and allow swimmers further practice and understanding of specific swimming skills.

Our classes run perpetually. Please consult the calendar or ask office staff about scheduled breaks within the year. We close over the Christmas and New Year period and may close briefly during the year for maintenance purposes.

  • We do not run lessons on public holidays and families are not charged when we are closed.

On the rare occasion where lessons are cancelled due to extreme weather, pool malfunction or other extenuating circumstances families will receive a credit for the lesson missed. Please keep an eye on your emails and social media to keep up to date on lessons going ahead in extreme weather situations.

  • We do not offer make up lessons. We believe they are a distraction to the cohesiveness of an existing class and are difficult to book when the program is at full capacity.
  • We offer a Winter Promotion each year where swimmers can access an additional free lesson each week for a set period of time.
  • Swimmers can access at least 10 free lessons each year in our program – we believe the value of these lesson far outweighs the provision of make-up lessons within our program.

Swimmers can access at least 10 free lessons each year in our program – we believe the value of these lesson far outweighs the provision of make-up lessons within our program.

Please see below for our updated Class Information and Lesson Fee

Lesson Fees

Lessons Per Week
(Total lesson per family)

Lessons are discounted for each family member

Price of Lesson per family member































Lesson Fees are subject to change – please check with office staff upon enrollment that lesson fees are current.

Nippers, Stroke Development and Competitive Program Fees

  Pay for 3, swim up to 5 sessions
  Pay for 5, swim up to 8 sessions

Additional Programs 

Casual Lesson


Sibling Lesson



$14.50 *T&C


$40 for 20 mins

Adapted 1:1

$45 Group $40

Sensory Swim


Adult Squads, Aqua Fitness and Social Swim Sessions

$16 or $135 for 10 pass

Class Information 


Student : Teacher Ratio

Lesson Length

Primary Goals

Equipment Required

4 - 8 months


30 minutes

The most important objective for this age is conditioning, submersion and then learning to free float.

  • Swim Nappies
  • Parents to wear t-shirt in the water

8 - 12 months


30 minutes

The main objective in this age group will be to use swimming activities to start fostering independence.

  • Swim Nappies
  • Parents to wear t-shirt in the water

12 - 18 months


30 minutes

The main objective will be to foster independence and mobility within the water. For example: teaching baby to turn unaided.

  • Swim Nappies
  • Parents to wear t-shirt in the water

18 - 24 months


30 minutes

The most important objective in this age group will be to improve independent propulsion.

  • Swim Nappies
  • Parents to wear t-shirt in the water

2 - 2.5 years


30 minutes

The most important objective for this age will be teaching children boundaries and a respect for the water.

  • Swim Nappies
  • Parents to wear t-shirt in the water

2.5 - 3 years


30 minutes

The most important objective for this age is continued development of propulsive skills and to learn to work in a group.

  • Swim Nappies
  • Parents to wear t-shirt in the water

3 - 4 years


30 minutes

Water safety, freestyle and backstroke development. Continued independent development. LLSS insists on parental involvement for maximum practice time in the lesson.

  • Swim Nappies
  • Parents to wear t-shirt in the water

Level 1


30 minutes

Learn breath control and master unaided floating on the front and back.

  • Comfortable swim attire
  • Swimming Cap
  • 2 lessons per week recommended

Level 2


30 minutes

Master strong propulsive skills ready for introduction of freestyle breathing

  • Comfortable swim attire
  • Swimming Cap
  • 2 lessons per week recommended

Level 2 Advanced


30 minutes

Introduce side breathing. Develop high elbow recovery for freestyle

  • Comfortable swim attire
  • Swimming Cap
  • 2 lessons per week recommended

Level 3


30 minutes

Learn backstroke arms and master freestyle breathing.

  • Comfortable swim attire
  • Swimming Cap
  • 2 lessons per week recommended

Level 3 Advanced


30 minutes

Refine freestyle and backstroke swimming. Perfect side breathing.

  • Comfortable swim attire
  • Swimming Cap
  • 2 lessons per week recommended



30 minutes

Continued development of freestyle and backstroke over longer distances and introduction to breaststroke.

  • Comfortable swim attire
  • Swimming Cap
  • Water bottle
  • 2 lessons per week recommended


45 minutes

Competent freestyle and backstroke – up to 25 metres. Development of breaststroke with emphasis on stroke correction – up to 25 metres. Introduction of butterfly arms. Begin to build endurance. Introduction to turns, starts and finishes.

  • Comfortable swim attire
  • Swimming Cap
  • 2 lessons per week minimum
  • Flippers, pull buoy, kickboard & water bottle


60 minutes

Competent butterfly. Refinement of freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke. Building endurance. Competent turns, starts and finishes. Squad preparation.

  • Comfortable swim attire
  • Swimming Cap
  • 2 lessons per week minimum 
  • Flippers, pull buoy, kickboard & water bottle


1.5 hrs

Master all four strokes. Refine starts, turns & finishes. Continue building endurance & stamina.

  • Comfortable swim attire
  • Swimming Cap
  • 2 lessons per week minimum 
  • Flippers, pull buoy, kickboard & water bottle